bug#32721: error with gzip 1.3.12
2018-09-12 12:09:05 UTC

I work for BNP Paribas-Personal Finance (Paris - France) & report you following error :
I try to decompress .zip file having size greater than 130Mb.
I use following options : gunzip -dS ".zip" filename.zip
I get following error invalid compressed data--length error

For files having smaller size, it works fine.

Can you please tell me this error is due to a bug or to used version 1.3.12 which does not support large files.

Cdt / Regards
DSI international - Projet DWH LISA
(33) 1 46 39 13 07
Paul Eggert
2018-09-13 03:34:22 UTC
Post by l***@bnpparibas-pf.com
Can you please tell me this error is due to a bug or to used version 1.3.12 which does not support large files.
I don't know of any such bug. gzip is regularly used on files larger than 130
MB, so it's not merely a question of file size.

That being said, ".zip" is file extension extension normally associated with
some program other than gzip, so I'd try the other program.
2018-09-13 10:52:13 UTC
Hi Paul,

Thanks for answering.

It works with unzip instead of gunzip -dS ".zip" which is the command I use for the other files.
Does this mean that compression mode is different between this file and the others ?

Cdt / Regards
DSI international – Projet DWH LISA
(33) 1 46 39 13 07

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Paul Eggert [mailto:***@cs.ucla.edu]
Envoyé : jeudi 13 septembre 2018 05:34
À : GOURVENNEC Laurent; ***@debbugs.gnu.org
Objet : Re: bug#32721: error with gzip 1.3.12
Post by l***@bnpparibas-pf.com
Can you please tell me this error is due to a bug or to used version 1.3.12 which does not support large files.
I don't know of any such bug. gzip is regularly used on files larger than 130
MB, so it's not merely a question of file size.

That being said, ".zip" is file extension extension normally associated with
some program other than gzip, so I'd try the other program.

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Paul Eggert
2018-09-13 18:45:23 UTC
Post by l***@bnpparibas-pf.com
It works with unzip instead of gunzip -dS ".zip" which is the command I use for the other files.
Does this mean that compression mode is different between this file and the others ?
Evidently. Sorry, I don't use unzip and don't know how it works.
