narasimha kumar
2017-12-20 19:21:33 UTC
Hi when I perform the tar it has tarred but after removing the original
file.i mistakanley pressed the previous command to tar then it has
overriden and size showed pls help me to extract the original or
tarred file.
#tar -cvzf server.log.tar.gz server.log
#ls -ltr-> it showed size 270mb server.log.tar.gz
And then mistakenly I pressed previous command
#tar -cvzf server.log.tar.gz server.log
It showed file is missed
#ls -ltr-> it shows size 45 server.log.tar.gz
Please provide me the solution for this
file.i mistakanley pressed the previous command to tar then it has
overriden and size showed pls help me to extract the original or
tarred file.
#tar -cvzf server.log.tar.gz server.log
#ls -ltr-> it showed size 270mb server.log.tar.gz
And then mistakenly I pressed previous command
#tar -cvzf server.log.tar.gz server.log
It showed file is missed
#ls -ltr-> it shows size 45 server.log.tar.gz
Please provide me the solution for this